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Connect Account using Business ID and Permanent Access Token πŸš€ ​

The first step in creating a WhatsApp bot is to link it to our module. Additionally, you must create a WhatsApp Cloud API in order to link your bot. Visit Facebook for Developers to start a new app, then select the page's "My Apps" tab.

My Apps

A page named "Create an App" with a list of available app types will appear instantly.

Create App

Select "Business" as the application type, then press the next button.

Business Details

Complete the form by entering your basic details:

  • Display Name: Provide a display name for your business account.
  • App Contact Email: Enter an email address.
  • Business Account: Choose a Business account if needed (optional).

Click the "Create App" button.

App Details

You will need to enter your Facebook password again in the password area. Click the submit button after entering your password. The product page will load instantly.

You must add a product to the app using the page. Include WhatsApp since you will be developing one for a business account on WhatsApp. Scroll down to find the WhatsApp section and click the "Set up" button.

Add Product

A page will appear for the next steps. You can add a payment method here, but it can be added later.

Add Payment

Add Phone Number πŸ“ž ​

Go to API setup from the left menu and click on the β€œAdd phone number” button to add the phone number for WhatsApp Cloud API.

Add Phone Number

A modal form will appear. Provide profile information visible to people on WhatsApp:

  • WhatsApp Business Profile Display Name: Enter a display name.
  • Timezone: Select a timezone.
  • Category: Choose a category from the dropdown list.
  • Business Description: This field is optional.

Click the next button.

WhatsApp Profile

Enter your phone number and choose how you would like to verify itβ€”via text message or phone call.

WhatsApp Profile 2

After providing your phone number and selecting the verification option, click the next button. Verify your phone number.

WhatsApp Profile 3

click the β€œSave changes” button.

Enable live mode by clicking on the toggle button.

live mode

Return to the API Setup page by clicking on the API Setup menu on the left sidebar.

api setup

Collect Access Token πŸ”‘ ​

Collect a permanent access token to connect your bot. In step 5, click the "See the overview page" button.

You will be directed to the business Facebook site's summary page. Select the Business Settings from the menu on the overview page.

see overview

Create a user by selecting System user in the left sidebar of the business setting page. Click on the add button.


Enter the system user name and choose a role (employee or admin). Click the button to create a system user.


After creating a user, add assets by selecting the user and clicking on the Add Assets button.


Select the Apps menu from the Select asset type section of the modal. Choose the app and give full control permission. Click the "Save changes" button.



Generate an access token by clicking on the Generate new token button.


Select the app from the drop-down list in the modal. Choose permissions: Business management, Catalog management, WhatsApp business messaging, and WhatsApp business management. Click the Generate token button.



Copy and save the access token.


Proceed to the dashboard. Click the connect WhatsApp menu in the left sidebar's WhatsApp area. Enter the access token and WhatsApp business account ID.

Go to the Business settings tab to obtain the WhatsApp Business Account ID. Select the WhatsApp account menu in the left sidebar. Copy the WhatsApp Business Account ID.


πŸŽ₯ Watch the Tutorial how to find App ID and App secret


Enter the WhatsApp business account ID and access token, then click the Connect button.

After Successful connection a success message will appear. πŸŽ‰

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